Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This picture is so cool!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Still Life Photography

A caption? Please...
If these images could have been best described with words,
I would have written a poem don't you think?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why Do I Love Art?

These were the results of my modeling for the semester.
Apparently these aren't my works. I work as a figure model.
I felt so blessed with the opportunity to model most of the
semester for Richard Hull's advanced drawing classes.
The first being a 12 hour pose for faculty, and the last
being a 27 hour pose for graduating illustration majors.
In the time between, I modeled for only four standard
life drawing classes. I am so excited about art. These
artists are my main source of inspiration.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My First Comic Ever

It was made by accident. I was just showing
two room mates how to use power point to make art.
I got into it and 15 minutes later, I have this.


What kind of music do you think
an undead zombie would enjoy?
That was on my mind the whole
day... I never figured it out.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Artistic Influence

The current unemployment rate is 8.5%
-It's the highest level in twenty five years.
Being an artist hardly seems like a scary career
choice considering those numbers.


Have you ever wished you could mail a punch to the face?
I wish I could mail a punch to the face
I'd mail Stephanie Meyer a punch to the face
She'd open the letter and BAM
Fist right in her nose


Just me in this cruel world...
Hard working people always go unnoticed...

Be yourself. Imitation is suicide.
That's just my two cents.

Happy Easter

Hope you all enjoy this wonderful holiday!
Enjoy your peeps, egg hunts, and chocolate.
But don't forget the reason for this season!